Friday, December 20, 2013

Advertising Techniques

The 8th grade students shared their Family Meal Projects with fellow classmates.  I was very impressed with how well each student did on their project.  Nice job!

Students discussed their favorite snack foods and what factors influence them to buy or eat a particular product. 

The 7th grade students worked together to analyze advertisements from local newspapers and magazines. They listed the persuasive techniques used in each advertisement. Each class worked with their lab partners and determined which advertising ploy was being used to sell a particular product. The students became familiar with bandwagon, snob appeal, humor, emotional appeal, celebrity endorsement and lifestyle advertising techniques.

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs. J. Bretl

Friday, December 13, 2013

Popcorn Experiments

The students spent time reviewing the Scientific Method this week in Consumer Ed.  They were able to design their own Food Science Experiment using popcorn kernels.  Each group of students worked with a partner to identify a possible hypothesis.  They also specified the materials and the steps needed to conduct their experiment.  Each group collected data and shared their results with their class.

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs. J. Bretl

Friday, December 6, 2013

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

This was quite a fun-filled week. All of the seventh and eighth grade students made Oreo Cookie Ice Cream in our Consumer Education Lab.  The students couldn't believe how easy it was to make the recipe. They were very proud of themselves. I must admit it did taste yummy. 

The seventh graders will be bringing their recipe packets home this week. I hope they continue to cook at home.

Each of the 8th grade classes spent time in the IMC this week working on the planning sections of their Meal Project Packet.  

Both 7th and 8th grade students will be spending the next several weeks discussing nutrition basics and healthy food choices.  We will also be completing our Food Science Labs.

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs. J. Bretl