Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pizza! Pizza!

Now that the 7th grade students have several foods' labs behind them things are settling down a bit. Each class was able to get their pizza lab completed on time. The students also did very well with clean up tasks this week.  The 7th graders made Brunch Pizza in their lab this week. The students did a nice job. I was impressed with how well the pizza crusts turned out. The students also did a fine job consuming their pizzas.

The 6th grade students made English Muffin Pizzas this week.   Each lab group had to work efficiently to measure, prepare, bake and serve their pizzas in one class period.  Most of the students did a nice job with kitchen clean up. They all did a fine job consuming their pizza!

Have a nice weekend!

Mrs. Bretl

Friday, April 17, 2015

Tater Tot Casserole and Breakfast Tacos

It was easy to tell that the lab this week was a huge success. The 7th grade students completed their two-day lab by making Tater Tot Casserole. There were no leftovers! I hope the students get a chance to make this recipe at home sometime. The lab results were spectacular!

The sixth grade students made Breakfast Tacos in their lab this week. The students did a great job measuring ingredients, making the tacos and serving them in one class period. I was impressed with how well each group worked. The students also did a fine job consuming their Breakfast Tacos. The students had some creative ideas for how to make this recipe at home!

Have a nice weekend! 

Mrs. Bretl

Monday, April 13, 2015

Nutrition Facts and Advertising Techniques

      The sixth grade students discussed how to be smart shoppers and discovered the importance of reading nutrition facts' labels on food packages.  The students used information from their  cereal box comparison worksheet to create a "new" cereal combining information from two cereal boxes of their choice . Students designed a new cover, name, nutrition facts' label and ingredients list to create this new cereal. A few of my favorites include; Cocoa Toast Crunch, Honey Nut Pebbles and Shredded Bran!

      The 7th grade students worked together to analyze advertisements from local newspapers and magazines. They listed the persuasive techniques used in each advertisement. Each class worked with their lab partners and determined which advertising ploy was being used to sell a particular product. The students became familiar with bandwagon, snob appeal, humor, emotional appeal, celebrity endorsement and lifestyle advertising techniques. The students worked with a partner using Google Draw to create an advertisement for the new product that they designed.  The students advertisements were very persuasive!

Mrs. Bretl