The seventh grade students completed their job brochures in the IMC this week. Excellent job! When they were finished they were able to use the Internet to explore various careers based on their own personal interests. Each student was able to complete a web quest using the Bureau of Labor Statistics' web page. The web site includes introductory career information. The occupations on the site are categorized according to interests and hobbies such as reading, nature, sports and helping people.
In the classroom we used our Food and Nutrition textbook to investigate careers in the field of Family and Consumer Science as well as Food and Nutrition. The seventh grade students were able to identify numerous vocations in these areas. I have included a link to the Labor Statistics website at the top of this page. Feel free to take a peek.
We also snuck in a quick measuring review and demonstration on Friday. Puppy Chow for all! Yummy!
Have a restful Spring Break.
Mrs. J. Bretl