Friday, October 12, 2012

Cinnamon Pull-Apart Rolls and Individual Apple Crisps

Our 8th grade foods' lab was quite successful this week. The students made Cinnamon 
Pull-Apart Rolls. The hallways were filled with their sweet aroma. 
MMMM MMMM! The students put forth great effort in planning the lab and 
following directions. The Cinnamon Pull-Apart Rolls turned out great! 
I hope they will share the recipe with you.

We also reviewed the principles of baking this week. The students 
identified the seven categories of ingredients commonly used in baked goods. 
They were able to analyze recipe ingredients based on this information.

The seventh grade students made Individual Apple Crisps this week. The students worked well with their lab partners and had successful lab results. What a difference one week makes! Most of the students did a great job with lab clean up. 

Have a nice weekend!

Mrs. J. Bretl