Friday, November 18, 2011

Value Shopping

The last week of the trimester was quite busy. The 8th grade students became familiar with several small appliances that are used in food preparation every day. They examined the crock pot, bread maker, waffle maker, and blender. Students were able to determine how to use the appliances, how to clean them and why consumers choose to use these appliances.

Students also learned about shopping for value. What do you buy most in a grocery store? It's not just food. Most of your dollars are spent for slicing, dicing, portioning, and packaging. We watched a video which illustrated how much "extra" we pay when we buy processed foods. The 8th grade students were able to share strategies to use to avoid many pitfalls when shopping for food.

This has been a great trimester with the 8th grade students! I will miss you!

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs. J. Bretl